Thursday, March 24, 2011

Learn To Play Piano

If you're like many of us, at some point in your life, you took piano lessons only to drop out before you become adept at playing anything melodic. Or, perhaps learning to play piano has long been on your "wish list".

We're fortunate to have an option in the Peterborough area that takes a unique approach to teaching piano. The Learning Source is pleased to partner with Andrea and Ken Minaker who are passionate about sharing this training model with our community.

For more info on our spring course, click here.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Response from Wen-Do Workshops

Here is some of the feedback received from our two Women's Self-Defence Wen-Do Sessions that ran Sunday, January 23rd and Saturday, February 5th:

"Very informative, interactive and relevant to my community".

"It went really well!!

"The workshop was a truly empowering experience for both the women and the girls who attended. I now feel more sure of my ability to defend myself and that is a great feeling".

"The workshop was beyond my expectations. It was very well taught."

"My granddaughter loved it.

"It was an excellent workshop. I learned lots of good information about self defense. The course was fun despite it dealing with a sensitive and difficult issue, and it was very well paced.