Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Paddle Making Responses

Here are some of the comments received from our paddle making courses:

I have a Paddle making book and although I could have learned from the book I realized the best approach would be to take a course. This one answered all my questions! People I show my paddle to can't believe I carved it by hand! Gerry was great to work with and extremely knowledgeable!!

I am very honoured to have had the opportunity to spend a day with Gerry learning how to craft a paddle form such a large blank and it honestly melts my heart every time I look at the paddle I made that fits just me :))

It was more demanding in skill level and fitness than I thought. However, the instructor was very helpful in assisting so the paddle could be finished.

Gerry's experience and knowledge about paddles, canoes, tripping and the great wilderness in our back yard shows what an expert he really is.

Two more Paddle Making courses are scheduled for November 2 and December 7. Register early!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Winter is Almost Upon Us....A Home Improvement Workshop for Women

The cold weather is almost upon us, is your home energy efficient? We can help prepare your home for winter. Check out 'Getting the Nest Ready for Winter', a Home Improvement workshop for women. It's lead by our fantastic instructor Gisele Roy, who has well over 16 years of experience as a carpenter.